Propnex Trainings

Life Mastery Academy (LMA) is a CEA (The Council for Estate Agencies) Approved Course Provider (ACP) for the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Course. The RES course is a compulsory course that new Real Estate entrants must undergo before taking the industry RES Examination. The LMA-RES course is dedicated to providing learners the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to passing the RES Examination in the shortest possible time and in just one sitting.

These training programmes offered by Life Mastery Academy aim to promote higher standards of professionalism, competency and integrity.

Programs Available

Although catering mainly to real estate agents, LMA's programmes are developed for individuals of all ages, and are tailored to address the needs of the participants and their varying specific challenges in life. These training programmes can be distinctly divided into three categories: Personal, Professional and Success & Wealth.


Personality Profiling and Coaching
Training the Trainer Programme


Real Estate Salesperson Course (Approved by CEA)
Sales Mastery Programme
Pricing Mastery Programme
Recruitment Mastery Programme
Sales Mastery Programme
Sales Mastery Programme

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